Classification of Land

Concept Explanation

Classification of Land

Classification of land:

1.  On the basis of relief: As plateau, plains and mountains,

2.  On the basis of soil fertility: As fertile and barren land.

3.  On the basis of development of that area: As rural and urban.

4.  On the basis of the use we it: As arable land which is suitable for crop production , pasture land- for raring animals, forests, fallow- land which can be cultivated, but has been left unused for the season, cultivable waste- land which can be cultivated but which has been laying fallow for more than five years. And non- agricultural land.

5.  On the basis of ownership: private land and community land. Private land is owned by individuals whereas, community land is owned by the community for common uses like collection of land are also called common property resources.

·   Today the vast changes in the land use pattern also reflect the cultural changes in our society. Land degradation, landslides, soil erosion, desertification are the major threats to the environment because of the expansion of agriculture and construction activities.

Net sow area is 46.6%, forested land is 22.6%, permanent pasture is 3.6%, cultivable wasteland is 4.5 %, land not available for cultivable (i.e., non- agricultural uses) is 13.5%. The number of people and these needs are ever growing, but the availability of land is limited as it is a finite resource. As pressure on land increases it usually leads to land degradation


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